Monday, March 26, 2018

ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿ ಪರಿಚಯ - ಇವ್ ನರ್ವ ಇವ್ ನರ್ವ ಇವ್ ನರ್ವ

ಯಾಕೋ ಗೊತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ !
 ಈನಡುವೆ ವೋಟ್ ಕೀಳುವ ಭರದಲ್ಲಿ ಕನ್ನಡದ ಕೊಲೆಯಾಗುತ್ತಿರುವದನ್ನು  (ಎರಡು ವಿಡಿಯೋ  ) ನೋಡಿದಮೇಲೆ 
ಇವರು ಜಗಜ್ಯೋತಿ ಬಸವಣ್ಣ ರಿಂದ ಹಿಡಿದು ನಮ್ಮ ವಿಶ್ವೇಶ್ವರಯ್ಯ ನಂಥಹ  ಮಹಾನ್ ಚೇತನಕ್ಕಾದರೂ ಮರ್ಯಾದೆ ಕೊಡಬಾರದೇ ಅನ್ನಿಸಿತು  !? 
 ಬೇಜಾರಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮಗೊಬ್ಬರನ್ನು ಪರಿಚಯಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದೇನೆ ಅವರದೇ ಶಬ್ದದಲ್ಲಿ . .... 

ನನಗೆ ವಯಕ್ತಿಕವಾಗಿ ಯಾರಮೇಲೂ ಬೇಜಾರಿಲ್ಲ, ಆದರೆ ಇವರು ನಮ್ಮನ್ನಾಳಲು ಅರ್ಹರೇ !?ನೀವೇ ನಿರ್ಧರಿಸಿ !!

ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿ ಪರಿಚಯ 

ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ
ಇವ್ ನಮ್ವ್   ಇವ್ ನಮ್ವ್   ಇವ್ ನಮ್ವ್   !!೧!

ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ
ಇವ್  ಇಟಲಿಯ ಮೊಮ್ಮಗ ಮೊಮ್ಮಗ ಮೊಮ್ಮಗ !!೨!!

ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ
ಇವ್ ಹೆರಾಲ್ಡ್ ಕೇಸಲಿ  ಸಿಕ್ಕಾಕಂಡವ  ಕಂಡವ ..ಕಂಡವ !!೩!!

ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ
ಇವ್ ೪೯ ವರ್ಷದ ಮುದಿ ಯುವ... ಮುದಿ ಯುವ... ಮುದಿ ಯುವ!!೪!!

ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ
 ಬೊಫೋರ್ಸ್ ಕೇಸ್ನಲ್ಲಿ  ಇದ್ದವ..  ಇವ್ರಪ್ಪವ  ..ಇವ್ರಪ್ಪವ   ಇವ್ರಪ್ಪವ..!!೫!!

ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ
ಇವ್ ನಿಮ್ಮ ವೋಟ್ ಕದಿಯಲು ಬಂದವ  ಬಂದವ ಬಂದವ !!೫!!

ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ
  ಇವ್ ಪಾರ್ಲಿಮೆಂಟ್ ನಡೆಯಲು ಬಿಡದವ ಬಿಡದವ ಬಿಡದವ!!೬!!

ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ
ಇವ್ ಪ್ರಜಾಪ್ರಭುತದ ಹೆಸರಲ್ಲಿ ರಾಜಪ್ರಭುತ್ವ  ಮೆರೆಯಲು ಹೊರಟವ  ಹೊರಟವ ಹೊರಟವ !! ೭!!

ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ
ಇವ್  ಪಾರ್ಟಿ ತಿಂದು ತೇಗಿದವ ..ತೇಗಿದವ  ತೇಗಿದವ!!೮!!

ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ
ಇವ್ ಅರ್ಹತೆ  ಇಲ್ಲೆದೆ ಪ್ರೆಸಿಡೆಂಟ್ ಆದವ  ಆದವ  ಆದವ!!೯!!

ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ ಇವ್  ನರ್ವ
ಇವ್ ಹೋದಲ್ಲೆಲ್ಲ ಕನ್ನಡವ ಕೊಲೆಗೈದವ ಕೊಲೆಗೈದವ ಕೊಲೆಗೈದವ !!೧೦!

ಈಗಾರ  ಇವ್ನ ಪರಿಚಯ ನಿಮ್ಗ  ಆತ್ರವಾ...    ಆತ್ರವಾ  ಆತ್ರವಾ ??
ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮಕ್ಕಳ ಭವಿಷ್ಯವ ಈ  ಮಂಗ್ಯಾನ ಕೈಯಲಿ ಇಡ್ಬೇಡ್ರವ..  ಇಡ್ಬೇಡ್ರವ... ಇಡ್ಬೇಡ್ರವ    !!೧೧!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Online learning Milestone in Trainings Tree Journey

This month we have launched our e learning market place for public use . I am very  happy to achieve this major milestone in our Journey of connecting learners to learned. E learning or online learning is the future of learning with this newly  launched e learning platform Training Tree acts as an discovery and a marketplace for best courses and training providers across the world. Here courses could be bought and learned like any other online products.

Through this platform we have made learning process simple and bring best knowlege to learners fingertips  we have partnered with some the best course providers in the world get the best for our learners. To achieve our dream of amazon of courses we are in talk with many Indian and outside course providers to make use of our platform to reach large learning audience who are hungry for job and skill enhancement. Please see my blog post on our launch here Trainings Tree online learning platform launch and  make use of this wonderful platform for your advantages here you go ! Trainings Tree

Cheers !!


5 Impotent Job Elements than your MBA Course

Getting a great IT Job has been the dream of millions who just comes out of college . IT being a blue eyed and every on think once they  are in the air conditioned glass building life is settled .But the realities are different!!. Today in my education blog i try to focus on some of the basic elements one has to inculcate before getting in to job market . These simple practices will make us a different from the lot and it will be with us for life. So please have a lot at those in my blog in Trainings Tree here you go!!5 things to get a dream job

Share your views we love it !!


Friday, November 6, 2015

MOOC and its relevance in the current era !

Today we i have looked at the MOOC or Massive Open Online course and its features in my TrainingsTree blog . In this technological age its more and more professionals are opting for online learning . Some of the big univerisities and private players like Trainings Tree are making head way on this journey. you can see more on this in my TrainingsTree blog

Cheers !


Friday, October 16, 2015

e Learning -here to stay!

I keep writing on e learning advantages  wherever i get some time leader fo e learning marketplace. today i have looked at some of the advantage of e learning and how people can make use of this technological boon to their advantage on my TrainingsTree blog, please do visit and make your comment here you go :


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

How to Grow Faster Than Your Peer


Gone are the day’s people used to stick to one company till their retirement, today everyone is looking at fast growth. Today people go beyond their comfort zone to achieve what they have been dreaming for. People are becoming more and more creative and started taking risks for reward. Today average age of a CEO is reduced to 40s than 60s in decade ago. Growth is a natural phenomena and healthy sign of prosperity. Remember overnight no one can start flying; knowledge with hands-on expertise along with systematic effort will take you there . There is no right or wrong way to grow fast, it’s just few pointers which could help your endeavor ..

Start with a Good Plan

Well planed is half done as the say goes.. one has to plan to achieve something. Without a plan success is just a  fluke, A realistic plan will help you to be focused and motivated as you achieve small goalposts. Start with end result in mind and work backwards with time line, Identify major milestone which is precursor to milestone, Envisage challenges you are likely to face over a period of time. prepare well,  Identify area where you can work parallel and save time. Be focused and flexible enough to face new roadblock on the way.

Equip yourself with what it takes to be

Equip yourself with latest technology in your field, anyone who is in the race without sharpening his axe sure to fall short.  Spend little time in identifying right skills you would need for not only current job even next job. Invest right on training and mentoring, TrainingsTree could be good help in this, take time to upgrade yourself. Test the live environment what you have learned.

Connect with People around

Develop network with all kind of people who are potential influencers. Develop a good rapport within your team. Find an opportunity to connect other team and project yourself in a professional way. Build your circle of influence beyond your immediate programs. Identify a mentor who is capable and influential.

Live beyond your job

Restricting yourself to a job profile is a sign of sinking ship. Remember the job descriptions are the bare minimum expected and beginning point, Draw a larger picture and broaden your horizon. Your ability visualizes downstream and upstream activities help you to contribute more. Understand your boss and his boss if possible and try to add value.

Attitude helps you reach Altitude

Believe in the work you do and develop a positive approach towards work, it’s easier said than achieved. Management will have an eye on the people who are aligned to their vision and have a right attitude towards work.  Ensure your surrounded people are taken into confidence and they are with you when you are in need. Take initiative which address the pains of others and you are the part of cross function team. You will get to meet people and put across your thoughts and shine better.

Become a resource

In this knowledge economy talent has lot more value than others. Acquiring knowledge needs systematic approach and a continued effort for long period of time. In this connected word accessibility of information is not a challenge Identify some of the peripheral area which may not be directly related to your job but your supervisors. Social media has more influence than anything today, participate and explore new avenues where you can influence people as subject matter expert.

Show Maturity and Confidence

Operating a level above will need a lot of maturity and hands on experience. Be aware of what is the latest trend and focus of the organization. Invest time and energy to understand larger picture and associate with people who can make use of you in such in large organization wide initiatives. Experience brings confidence and maturity wins the crowd. 

Proactive and Volunteer

If you want to grow fast be active and start participating in all possible events and opportunity knocks your door. Volunteer for helping others participate in event organizing. This help you to get connected to someone who is beyond your boss and business domain.  Try to be visible and go extra mile genuinely,artificiality can take to an extent but not where you want to be.

 Balance Life and Growth

Remember there is nothing called a top or final point in Professional life. It’s a journey; here change is constant, one who embraces the change makes it to fullest.
Finally growth is important but not everything. You need to be watchful what cost you are paying for it.Balancing professional and personal life is very important, Celebration is part of the journey and thanking people who contributed to your success is important.  This includes team members to family members who stood for you during difficult time.
See more such writing in my

Friday, October 31, 2014

Purandara dasara yenagu aaane

ಎನಗೂ ಆಣೆ ರಂಗ ನಿನಗೂ ಆಣೆ
ಎನಗೂ ನಿನಗೂ ಇಬ್ಬರಿಗೂ ಭಕ್ತರಾಣೆ

ನಿನ್ನ ಬಿಟ್ಟು ಅನ್ಯರ ಭಜಿಸಿದರೆನಗೆ ಆಣೆ ರಂಗ
ಎನ್ನ ನೀ ಕೈ ಬಿಟ್ಟು ಪೋದರೆ ನಿನಗೆ ಆಣೆ II1II
shreerayarublogspotತನುಮನಧನದಲ್ಲಿ ವ೦ಚಕನಾದರೆ ಎನಗೆ ಆಣೆ ರಂಗ
ಮನಸ್ಸು ನಿನ್ನಲಿ ನಿಲಿಸದಿದ್ದರೆ ನಿನಗೆ ಆಣೆ II2II

ಕಾಕು ಮನುಜರ ಸ೦ಗದಿ ಮಾಡಿದರೆನಗೆ ಆಣೆ ರಂಗ
ಲೌಕೀಕವ ಬಿಡಿಸದಿದ್ದರೆ ನಿನಗೆ ಆಣೆ II3II

ಶಿಷ್ಟರ ಸಂಗವ ಮಾಡದಿದ್ದರೆ ಎನಗೆ ಆಣೆ ರಂಗ
ದುಷ್ಟರ ಸಂಗವ ಬಿಡಿಸದಿದ್ದರೆ ನಿನಗೆ ಆಣೆII4II

ಹರಿನಿನ್ನಾಶ್ರಯ ಮಾಡದಿದ್ದರೆ ಎನಗೆ ಆಣೆ ರಂಗ
ಪುರಂದರವಿಠಲ ನೀನೋಲಿಯದಿದ್ದರೆ ನಿನಗೆ ಆಣೆII5II